Watch Keychain

A keychain should have one sole function and that is to prevent key owners from misplacing them, or at least this is what the original inventor of the keychain had in mind. However, today’s keychains have more that one role; some can be used as bottle openers, others can be small photo cameras at the same time; others can be photo viewers; others can be tape measures and let us not forget the watch keychain.

Watch keychain models may have been inspired from the classic watches that were held in side pockets of coats. They were very elegant and practical as you would have them on you at all times when straps to attach the watch to the wrist had not been invented yet. The watch keychain models can also be very elegant and be held in a pocket together with the bunch of keys you use on a daily basis and that are attached to the key ring. Extracting the keychain will simplify things for you if you are in a rush and also want to check how much time you still have before being declared late.

Watch keychain models are very different from each other. Some of them are metal watches, silver tone or gold tone. The classy ones are like lockets and may also allow you to place a picture onto the inner side of the watch lid. The choice of this kind of watch keychain models will definitely “pick” your pockets more deeply as they are pretty expensive designs. Some can be as expensive as 50 dollars simply because the design is very classy and the finish is of very high quality.

Other watch keychain types are less expensive. They may have a clock face like the classic clocks or may show you the electronic type of face that most of us are used to today. They will work on batteries and if the manufacturer is smart enough, they will use rechargeable batteries. Of course another smart keychain watch may rely on sun light to get recharged, but that is all up to the manufacturer and to his wish to keep up with latest developments in watch technology.

The watch keychain, generally speaking, sounds like a very good idea to many people. Some simply do not like to wear a wrist watch and then they would go for any other alternative method of keeping a watch on them. Of course time is money and we all want to keep a good track of time. But if we need to keep track of keys and small items at the same time then watch keychain models are a smart choice.